The Word of God at the Feast of the Assumption of the Lord’s MotherI, the Lord, announce Myself at the gates (Gates - those by whom the Lord speaks, the Lord comes as word, r.n.) on a glorious feast day and enter the book to speak and begin the word with glory and joy and to say to those gathered here under the tent: Peace to you! I say the same to the heavenly powers and to the nine heavens I say to them: Peace to you, here with Me in My little gardens today with the people of My word, above whom We stand invisibly, for it will be to unravel the mystery of the unseen things of God's creation and to kindle the longing for eternity in hearts and an ever greater longing for the glory of the unseen things of God's creation, for the heavenly dwellings with which I hold Me after man, after you, for man has no awakening with longing, he does not know how much preparation God makes in His invisible things for those who love Him and desire Him on earth, and behold the long-awaited celebration to come and bring joy and holy experiences and then ascend to Us with comfort, for the heavenly powers have great glory and it is unknown between heaven and earth by men! There is great glory in the air here, My mother, and it is a sweet feast for you on this day, and We are placing in the book clear mysteries, oh, that the human mind does not understand the comfort prepared in the invisible dwellings of the Lord, and with which We await those who love Us, the least, so that they may open the mysteries of those above, the invisible creation of God, mother. Oh, blessed be the table here of your celebration and all that We are working for testimony now and the joy of the hearts of those gathered under the tent on your day of glory, My mother! We are entering secretly under the tent, for the tabernacle of feasting has been spread in the garden, and We are sitting down in secret together with the heavenly powers, who have names given by God and divided works, so that I may be carried on the clouds as it is written, o sons, and come to fulfill, for it is written: «He comes with the clouds, He has the clouds of ascent and descent». I am with you with the clouds, I come with the clouds when I come, with the nine heavens, which are the heavenly powers, and their names are great and are called: thrones, dominions, principalities, powers, archangels, angels, cherubim and seraphim. All are the invisible things of God’s creation and are from eternity, they are without beginning like God. Before the invisible creation they are, they were, and with them was and is God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Then I spoke with Father to make the visible, so that We might then make man and so that man might have something to see. We made the heavens and the earth, as it is written how We made them, and then We created man and he saw the visible creation and he did not know the secrets of God and of God's creation, and if the Lord gave him this creation, man became proud even above his Maker, To Whom gratitude was due from man. Oh, sons, so was all man then between the earth and the heaven, so he became proud, and in no way did he flinch face to face with this miracle: the heavens and the earth, the visible things of God's creation, and which are also of God and so that man would then recognize their Maker. All the visible creations were created by God for man so that I could have him as Mine and so that I could be at the helm of his life, of his steps, of his feelings, of his love. Oh, man has abandoned Me completely, he and his wife, also created by God. It has been over seven thousand years since then, since the unlove of man and his descendants have hurt Me until today. Oh, this is why man must enter into the work! Man has become proud, he has become corrupt, fallen, died, and must be made again, from heaven worked, and then he may be with God again. Oh, man, you do not understand who you are, why you are, where you are from. You are made by God; you are God's creation. Oh, you have disobeyed your Maker and have chosen the spirit of pride against God. Oh, sons gathered at My table of words, man does not know how to behave before his Maker. He no longer stands bound to God and stands free from Me and does his own will, and behold, ingratitude, disobedience and disobedience have taken him away from Me. I have eternal witnesses, the heavenly powers, the heavens of God, the invisible creation of the Lord. Man has left his Father, has left his Maker and taken his freedom, and thus he walks before the heavenly powers, with which I, the Lord, behave between heaven and earth. Behold, man, because of your rejection of God the Creator, you have not had the part to know and see the heavens of the Lord. You do not even want to repair your mistake for which the first group of angels who served you fell, the hosts of Lucifer, from which satan, the adversary of God, was then established, and out of ten groups only nine remained, and you do not fear God and continue to make a separation between yourself and Him, and the invisible things testify to this. Man on earth has not had the opportunity to see and know about the invisible things of God, these indescribable and full of glory that does not reach the mind of passing man. Here is a mystery revealed by God, for before the heavens, the earth and all the visible creation of the Lord were, there were the invisible things, there were the heavens, there were the secret dwellings, and here is why man does not see God. Oh, how can he see Him if His dwellings are His invisible things, they are the heavens with which He deals, and man cannot hide or flee from His face? You are seen at every step, man. In vain do you think you can hide. Whenever God has spoken to man to leave His word on earth, He has stood in the cloud, just as He stood on the path of Israel during its journey through the wilderness to Canaan. I am in the midst of the heavenly powers between heaven and earth and I am near at all times and no one can hide from God, the dwellings of His glory, the powers that serve the Lord forever, and you, man, where do you think you can hide? I am everywhere at all times and therefore I ask you, humble yourself and stay under My shield and no longer do your will secretly, for you have nowhere to hide from the invisible dwellings of God. Oh, don not hide yourself anymore! When I created the visible, I first created the light of God, and so learn to be and work, for light has its work from eternity to eternity, ungrateful man to the Maker of heaven and earth and then yours. And you, servants of the church, I am asking you to bow down and hear the invisible One, surrounded by the heavenly powers. From the mysterious cloud I am speaking to you: Stop committing the evil upon your heads that you are plotting to sell yourselves together with the whole flock, with the whole nation to wolves hungry for flesh and sin and apostasy. The fear of God is the fear of punishment. Get out from under this tower of Babel while there is still time, get out of the confusion, so that the collapse of this lofty tower does not catch you under it! The work against God is unfolding rapidly. See that it does not collapse on you too! There is no longer a single supper table like at the beginning of My church, from which it has been breaking away piece by piece until today, and now the Tower of Babel is about to put an end to it. Many will rise from these ruins and enter into the mystery of God with their work, and I urge you, the adversaries: let the piercing of the heart through My word be fulfilled upon you and stop this lawlessness, as for a thousand years the man of antichrist has been working to demolish the church. (Since 1054, since the separation of the western Church – Catholic, from the eastern Church – Orthodox, editor's note) Oh, wasn't the demolition that has been done so far enough? Do you want to give the antichrist the right to put his seal on you? Oh, why, children? With the tears of all those in heaven, I am asking you: why do you allow the mystery and the house of God to be sold? Why do you allow yourselves to be sold to those who left the order of the holy fathers a thousand years ago? Do you also now agree with them? Oh, why do you allow the abomination of desolation to enter upon the mystery and the church of Christ? Thrice will I ask you this answer, face to face with Me, the One unseen because of the heavens that cover Me. I have set apart for Myself a seed, a people kept apart, and I stand with My voice above it as when I spoke to Moses so that he might tell his people the word sent by Me. Oh, whom are you afraid of? Shouldn't you fear God, and not the people who are so lost from the path of life? Oh, wandering flock, your shepherds are siding with wolves who are laying down the flock and submitting it under the paw of the antichrist, the shepherd of wolves, who is drawing shepherds of the Christian flock to him. Wake up, you Christians of My flock! There is no more sleep. They are taking you through sleep; the wolves are taking you unexpectedly from under the hand of God. Watch and watch again through union and holy faith, for I, the Lord, support you if you persevere towards Me for help, for behold, the shepherds in the churches do only what they want, they, and the wolves lurking to lay My work to the ground. Let the betrayal stop! Let the wolf's paw be removed from the path of the church of Christ, the one inherited from ancestors to this day on the hearth of the Romanian nation! Let the traitors and the traitors be frightened and let the power of lies and those who work on it be removed! May Christian Orthodox Romania be an example of an apostolic church and may it remain so! Amen. O people of My word, O sons, it is the time of apostasy. Pass from the flesh to the spirit that you may know from the Spirit the holy work of the church that remains! Rejoice and be glad as those who have God in you and with you! The gloomy face is not for Christians, but for those who are fearful and hidden within themselves, for they are afraid and troubled, but it is written that fear stands alongside punishment, and this is the fate of the fearful and frowning. It is written in the Scriptures the sign of good and the sign of evil. When you do good, your face is serene and cheerful, but when you do evil, sin knocks at the door, but you should overcome it. Behold, the gloomy face hides sin and fear under it, and fear comes because of sin. Therefore, overcome evil, My children, and do not work it, and do not harbor it within you, and you will be pure and joyful, and you will show that the Lord has dwelt within you and that you show this joy to others, for a gloomy face is not for Christians. And yet, My Virgin mother, on her feast day, she is placing her word over you, and behold, My mother, with the joy to give them, for you are with Me in the heavenly places and you take care of My country, of My Romania, and especially of the people of My word, mother. — My Son Jesus has put me to speak to you on my holy feast day. I am embracing you all and this is what I am urging you, sons and daughters of the glory of the Word of Christ: Love and love again and cherish the Christian garment, a garment without earthly pleasures. The Christian garment brings you glory, protects you from temptations, from the children of the world, and they bow before you if you honor and love the Christian garment. It shows you Whose you are and Whom you love and honor and confess to them. If you are ashamed of this, if you allow yourself to be held accountable for the way you dress and how you behave in public, behold, the signs of coldness towards God appear little by little, and you can unexpectedly lose the path and the protection from above for you. Some of you resemble the children of the world in many things: in behavior, in dress, in worldly customs, in losing the time of salvation, in foolishness, in lack of humility and holy propriety, and the Lord leaves you and is no longer for you if you are not for Him with all the love of your heart and behavior. If you extinguish your love and faith-fulness, and especially the fear of God, the fear of punishment, oh, the Lord can no longer watch over you so that you do not fall into sorrows of all kinds. There is also Christian attire, there is also monastic attire, and Christian attire is now taken by the world as a new fashion, and the world resembles Christians and Christians resemble the world, they resemble by attire, and the Lord has taught you to live a monastic life, but also by attire, just as I have behaved as the mother of God, and just as the Lord has taught the people of His word to behave and show themselves to the world as sons of God, and I urge you to ask for clarification for what I am telling you, for you must show that you are Christians by attire and that you love humility and the Lord, oh sons. And again, I am giving you an exhortation: Always cleanse your soul from those things that are not from God, because to be a Christian one must be cleansed all the time, one must have sins forgiven, and one must be diligent in preparing for eternal life, and one must be very diligent and supported for this preparation. The Lord has always said to His people today: „Pass from the body to the spirit!”. Behold, leave your body more apart from its necessities, oh, because you give too much time to the body, and you lose with it almost all the time for the life above! Gather yourselves up, so that you do not weep away departed from the glory above of the Lord then! With great humility I am bowing down and exhorting you, for you are the children of Christ, my Son, and you have much glory over you for this. So, let us take joy from each other, let us take holy powers, and today rejoice, for behold, the Lord is with you with the nine heavens of His invisible things, which He will continually reveal to the shame of the unbelievers, and they will be revealed to you more and more, and glory to my Son Who loves you and raises you because you are His! And You, Son Jesus, establish Your word now and give them power to fulfill it, for today the spirit of teaching has been working for the saints, and You are going speak to them more and more clearly about the glory of the invisible works of God, and Your glory with them will shine in secret until Your glory with them comes to light, and their glory with You and beside You, O dear Son. — We must work quickly, My mother, because the darkness of the world is spreading rapidly too, but I am with them in the world and I am the light of the world and I have the word with which I carry Myself and through which I can do. And now, I am saying to you, those gathered under the tent: Peace to you! May the fulfillment of My word be your daily work, but do not be ashamed before God, and I, the Lord, will shine with you, and you will shine with Me, you will shine soon, soon, and this shine will give light, it will give faith to many, oh, children. Amen, amen, amen. 28-08-2023
The Word of God on the Feast of the Transfiguration of the LordThe heavenly and angelic hosts are sitting down to feast at My table of word here, in the Garden of Meeting, in the citadel of My word, and I, the Lord, bring the greeting of the meeting for those above and those below: Peace to you, peace to you, peace to you! It is a heavenly and royal celebration on this holy day of remembrance for Christians, for after I gathered My disciples almost two thousand years ago, I wanted them to understand by faith and sight that I came from heaven by birth from a Virgin mother, oh, that I took three of them and We went up the mountain to reveal to them My divinity and its glory, and they saw for a moment My clothing in light and the radiance of My face in heavenly light, and behold, We are at the table here on this holy day of remembrance, and I am leaving My word of the feast to share Myself with it and to rejoice and nourish from heaven those who keep My way, oh, that I have never been with the disciples gathered or with the multitudes who walked after My mercy, it was never that, I, to not speak to them and I Myself to give them from God O, you watchmen sons in the citadel here, whenever the tabernacle of celebration rises and spreads above in My garden with you, the hosts of saints and angels leap with the spirit, sons, and all sit down for comfort before My word, for the spirit of comfort is the word that comes out of My mouth, and you place it in its book, and on the way, for the comfort of those who seek you after Me, after My work with you, oh, sons. Therefore, this day is a day of consolation and I am making Myself manifest in the minds and hearts of those who have become accustomed to seeking Me and taking Me from you, and I am telling them that there is a sigh from them in heaven for the unfulfillment of My word, for their mind and heart are only on earth as is their love, oh, and their love for the Lord is small, it is very small, and it keeps on decreasing and does not increase and no love is gathered in heaven for them. Oh, how can I not speak upon the earth if I am the Word of the Father? How can I silence My work and not speak? If I am not desired, expected and followed, oh, can I not speak anymore? Oh, this is not possible, and behold, My word is always today as it is written, and blessed is and will be the one who has the part to hear from God and does not harden his heart like those of old who perished by disobeying the fulfillment of My word upon them. Oh, why is there no faith and love for God, the Maker of heaven, earth and man? Oh, how beautiful, how great We have worked and made all things with the word when We decided with Father to make those things that are seen! I will speak at the coming feast about the seen and unseen things of God's creation, for there must be a clarification from heaven for this truth, that on earth the wandering and the goings of man are great, but I, the Lord, will work with the word and will reveal these mysteries and then I will look upon men, oh, how I will shame them greatly, for man must not dare to tempt the Lord. But can he do this? Oh, sons, oh sons, the Father cried out twice and said over the people on earth: «Christ isMy beloved Son, listen to Him, for I, the Father, am well pleased with Him!». Oh, who is theone who listens to the Son of the Father, sent to be seen with people on earth, and then to makeman do according to His will the deeds of life and conduct so that it may then be called that manlistens? That is why Father said when He said: «Listen to Him!». (See Matth: 17/5) Oh, man cannot, he does not listen so that he may be the son of God through obedience.The feast for My Virgin Mother is coming and I am going to speak again and again to the altarservers of the church and I will ask them not to sell the mysteries of God, the flock, the nation andthe country, oh, not to sell them to the wolves, because you, Christians, do not know and do not see what is being planned in the high seats of the country and of the flock of the Romanian nation. Oh, wake up, because the great ones over you are giving you to sell you for nothing to the ruler of this age, to the antichrist, the shepherd of wolves, because these servants only have shepherd's clothing, but they are wolves who drink and eat and live in luxury like Annas and Caiaphas, the wolves from the time of My crucifixion and who sold Me and gave Me to death like a Lamb given to Pilate for the cross, because they all became afraid of My greatness, just as today's antichrists fear to the flock and the mystery of Orthodoxy, My flock, oh, and they could not leave their sick and sinful morals to choose those from God that came to earth then, and behold, like those of that time, then these after them also gave so many saints to death, so that only they, only the wolves would remain, and they would be great over people and over Christians. Oh, sons who are watchmen in My citadel with you, I am now speaking to those that are taking My word from you, and who remain and have been lagging behind in fulfilling My word. Oh, for so long I have been waiting for the love from heaven to work on them. But they have much to do on earth and no longer have time to adorn their eternal life and to have it in heaven. I have always told them: «Remain in My love!», this is how I taught them, for My love is from heaven, it is from the Father, and human love does not last, everything that man loves is fleeting and man always falls from love, and behold, the love that falls so low, so far, is without eternal life in it. My Love bends and does not fall, but man's love exalts itself, stands high, stands on the side of man, not on the side of love that bends as God does, from Whom love and its work proceed. I can no longer say to Christians: «Remain in My love, and I will remain in yours». Oh, they have not come near, those who came and did not stay and did not remain; they did not come to stay and remain, because to come and to be then, this means something else, it means to enter into formation, to be taught, to work with God for your creation and to let the Lord make you His son, not you to let yourself be your own maker, oh, woe to the fate of those who do not let themselves be made according to the will of the One Who created man, and to have something to work for those to whom I have given a field to work, and I to give them, they to share and bring fruit if they were placed in the work of the man’s making. Oh, it is dangerous to seek to lose the opportunity to be made by God if you came into the world as a man! What should God do with you next to Him, with you made by the parents that gave you a body, and the way you have made yourself with your behavior, your mind, all your Godless habits? What should I do with you made by you, who did not stand by to be molded, if you came? Oh, that is not how God makes man, not all of him, not all of man is his own maker if he has come to be made. Behold, you have remained as you were when you came, Christian, oh, and what should I do with you if you insist on remaining as you are, if you still borrow from the spirit of the world? Man is not a maker. Man must be made by God after taking flesh from his parents. I for man became man, and then I became bread and wine so that you may take Me into you, man, and not also from satan to take if you have come to Me to save you from satan and eternal perdition. Adam did not choose God, but he rather chose the woman instead. Do you hear what he did and what man does with God? He puts Him aside, he gives Him over for a woman, he chooses his woman, My children of Christ, this is what man does, this is what he has learned to do. Oh, you sons who listen, and you, those who do not listen to the word of eternal life, I want to know you that you are Mine, but you stay mixed with the sons of men, with the sons of the world, My sons. Oh, here is what I am telling you: stay next to Me, stay next to the sons of God so that I know that you are Mine, because behold, a change is needed immediately, a change in everything, in mind and heart, in face and behavior, lest you lose yourselves from Me by staying among the dead, because all the people who do not do the will of God for their life with God on earth are dead. I am speaking to you, oh sons, to all who want to enjoy God and come to My table of words in the garden at the feasts, for you are still perplexed about your steps every moment, but here is the portrait of a Christian who chooses himself to God: The prayer of meeting with the Lord in the middle of the night, and then from the breaking of dawn for the blessing of the day. The evening prayer then, and much prayer, after love, desired and worked; the dress, the image, the pious, unworldly clothing day and night, as children of glory clothing. Then the food according to the requirements for the people of My word in this time and not just any food, not what comes from an animal or a bird, but only as in heaven: vegetables, fruits, berries, seeds, clean bread, and these all the time, all life, oh, sons. Then the gathering together for the glory brought to the Lord in the spirit of holy brotherhood. Then let not the work for the body surpass that of the soul. Partying with the children of the world is enmity with God, so it is written in the Scriptures, and if you do not listen, Christian, you perish like Israel who did not listen, lest you be mixed with the world and its children. Behold, some were deprived of faith, because they did not believe beautifully, healthily and steadfastly. Others were deprived of the power for purification from passions and the fear of punishment, and this because of the spirit of judgment, oh sons. I was saying through My trumpet Virginia at the beginning of My workthrough her: „Christians, do not mix with the nations according to the flesh, who are of the world and like the world and that of your house, lest you lose your purity, holiness”, and this I, the Lord, also said two thousand years ago, and I said: „He is not worthy of Me, he cannot be My disciple who does not leave for Me, parents and brothers, husbands and wives, children and ranks, wealth and passions”. (See Matth: 10/37) Disobedience to the word that is so pleading for not mixing with the spirit of the world, this disobedience is great everywhere, and here is what is seen in the garden here, that the Christian comes with the phone in his bag, with this weapon much more dangerous than the television, he comes and shows it here in the garden and the world enters at My table of the word through this thread, enters through the restless and unloving of God and the word of God. Oh, it is impossible! The Lord's garden is here, there is no earthly place here, and if you do not grieve for the Lord to leave the spirit of the world within you and the world that enters you from everywhere and you do not grieve that everything has a good or bad reward on earth, and then in heaven, behold, the lack of love for God separates you from the Lord, you do not love Him, you do not obey Him as sons, you do not stand on His side with life and love, and I am sitting at the table here with those in heaven, sons, and there cannot be a mixed meal, because behold, you come without a wedding garment, without preparation, without obedience for preparation, oh, and you have not separated yourself from sin and from the food that does not go for the children of My people today, a people prepared to prepare for Me the glory with which I will appear near them soon, soon, as I have promised this promise for My last people. Oh, sons, you must be good when you come to My table of words with the saints with whom I go Myself down from heaven to here. I am staying above here with the nine heavens, with all their glory, for the invisible things of God's creation have been from eternity and are the dwelling places of the Lord and of His saints and of the angelic and heavenly hosts. Worldly cares must not overcome your hearts. Be good in everything and always, for you sit at the table with the saints if you come to My table. Do not go out the gate with desire and mind during the time of sitting at the table of the word, but do not be sought by those of the world, oh, because you have male and female friends in the world and you no longer know that you are with God. It is not like in the world here, in this garden, and you must be and behave as if you are at home with the Lord, otherwise the guards of the garden are held accountable for the disorder that would be caused by some who come not knowing how to come, not knowing yet, and behold, Christians do not know how to sit here on holidays when they gather to sit together at the table with the saints in heaven. The sky is changing its face, oh sons: What do you say the white clouds are when they line up above the blue of the sky? What secret do they carry? Who carries them? Oh, they hide the glory of the Lord and line up at the command of the Lord above here so that they may cover the secret of the nine heavens, oh sons of the citadel who know the secrets of the Lord with you at this time. I go through the heavens and I show Myself with the written work of My word and I announce Myself to you with it. Only joy and gladness should be on the face of the Christian, for I said: «Rejoice and be glad and be happy when you do the work the will of the Lord!» And, if you work otherwise and are, behold, you oppress one another, oh, and this is not how you are supposed to stand with the Lord and with the brothers, no, sons, no. I will speak on the feast of My Virgin Mother; I will speak of the sin beneath the gloomy face. The downcast and gloomy face is not for Christians, and it is only for the fearful, and fear stands alongside punishment, so it is written. The two of My servants are looking at you from beside Me, with whom I go in the unseen things of creation, sons, Moses and Elijah, and here is what they are speaking to you: — Oh, make the Lord a resting place with you, oh, sons in this citadel settled by the Lord here. Make room for the glory of the Lord with you and build His and your eternity here. The legions of guardian angels surround here unseen the glory of the citadel of the Lord and the Lord is with you. Peace to you, oh, peace to you we are also saying from the Lord on this day of great celebration of His glory since then with us! Amen. — Now, sons, I, the Lord, am speaking over you and writing with you a blessing for the preparation of the feast and for the celebration of My Virgin mother, and you will be inspired from above for this holy preparation, and I am saying now again: Those who offer to come with Us and with you to the table of the word here, let them make a promise before Me that I am and will be their God and that they will obey from now on the ordinance that for the people of My word in this time and will be close to you and Me according to My will. And now, peace to you, peace to you, peace to you, O sons! Amen, amen, amen. 19-08-2023
The Word of God at the feast of the Holy Prophet Elijah, the TishbiteI am coming and set as word into My book of this time with days of feast for those in heaven, and I am sitting at the table with them and with you here, in the garden, in the citadel of My word, sons, who are sitting before Me to write My word and to put it on its way so that I may speak over the earth from margins to margins, as it is written for Me to work the good tidings from the end of the time, (Apoc: 14/6) and to prepare the day of the manifestation of My glory, My visible coming with the saints, oh, sons, because everything that came out of My mouth two thousand years ago cannot fail to be fulfilled, and the prophecies of the Holy Spirit left on earth at their time through God’s vessels, through the prophets and saints that I worked with as with you, cannot fail to be fulfilled, too, oh, sons. And I have here, at the table with you, the prophets and the saints, and I have in the glory of the today’s feast Elijah, the prophet, with his day of celebration in heaven and on earth, and We are s i tting down in the book with his feast, with his work, and he has always stood near Me as he did two thousand years ago when I appeared before My disciples with two of My companions, Moses and Elijah, for the Father took them up in heaven and gave them to Me as My companions all the time, and peace to you, peace over you from Me and from them, and let Us work as it is written to be worked during the time of the end the return of men to God and to the fathers, and of God to men, and come, for the time passes and there will be no longer come, for the heaven becomes a scroll it becomes a written book on earth so that My word and its book may burn the sin on earth to burn, the devilish work of the people without God over their lives and that works only sin, only fire in which the sinful men burn, oh, and behold what I am telling you this A mother gives birth to a son, then she carries him into her arms, she loves him, nurses him, cares for him, protects him from blows, from dangers, she raises him with sacrifice, and then she gives him over to sin and rejoices over this and then she makes him a wedding for sin (The sin of debauchery, r.n.) and gives him support to take the sin as his life after that, to fall like Adam in to the sin by which he lost the eternal life for which he was created and the paradise which was given to him as his eternal dwelling, and behold what a mother is the mother that gives her son joyfully to sin, to death, because sin is death, oh, and those who live on earth in sin do not know, they do not know that the life without sin is a beautiful life, that which is lived for God, oh, and they do not know this, those who know to choose only sin as their lives on earth. I have at today’s table with you, I have sons, the one who knows, the one who knew on earth of the life lived for God, and he brought many disciples and brothers to such a life in his time on earth, because Elijah, the prophet, had many disciples who followed him far from the sin working world, oh, and what a great work he had and has this holy father full of God’s Being, full of mercy f or the Lord in his being , for the One forsaken by the people who choose sin and separation from God for sin! Peace to you, again and again peace to you, sons from My today’s citadel, and let this pe ace remain between Me and you and keep My cit adel with you for Me as My house of coming and be My Bethany for My coming from the Father and again after the man not separated from sin and from the death coming from sin! I am coming with those in heaven and the sky is becoming a scroll of book (Apoc: 6/14) at you and this scroll is spreading out and em bracing the whole earth, oh, sons. The new things are coming, the renewal of everything is coming with Me and with the heaven, as it is written, and the flock is no longer waiting for Me as its Shepherd, oh, no, because it has not been tended to God, since it has not had merciful shepherds and with holiness in their work and it has also not been watched against Satan, who has thoughtlessly erased My name from the house that has the name of church. Oh, it has been a long time since the church of the Romanian people no longer had My name on its name, and it had to bear a Christian name, not just an Orthodox one and that is all, because anyone can call himself Orthodox according to the cho ice he has made, but My name is that which proves that it is My church and its flock, and it needs to have the name of a Christian church, and only after that the name of Orthodox , but s atan could not endure this and had been doing foreign work he has worked in the dark and erased Christ from the head of the church. However, I wrote and I will continue to write My word of Shepherd and the name of Romanian of those who take Me from the spring and satisfy their soul with the glory of My coming, and it will be known from margins to margins that Christ, the Lord, the Shepherd sent by the Father, that He shepherds His flock and calls to life as in heaven on earth all those who will clothe themselves within a Christian garment and who will be called Romanians, after the name of the country in which I have set My citadel of coming the throne of the word and its good tidings over the earth, oh, and I suffer from the lack of My name on the head of the church of the Romanian people, that does no longer have God’s name against satan’s kingdom from all over, and that does no longer have any shame for no one and nothing, who claps his hands against God, and he claps his hands proudly and tries to cover everywhere with the sin of faith denial, the sin that precedes the antichrist rule over the earth built by God. I am mourning over you, I, the Lord, I mourn and mourn again, church of the Romanian people, I am mourning over you because you do no longer have the name of Christian, oh, and you have not had it for a long time, since you called yourself as you call yourself now, when you had to be called Christian Orthodox Church, but you let yourself be deceived by the enemy when you no longer watch ed , because you have no longer want ed to watch like Christ’s loving of church fathers did, oh, and your enemy has erased My name over you from where. Oh, do you see what it has happened to you? Do you see what it happens to you when you do not receive Me when I come to you, when you do not listen to open for Me so that I may watch over your house and life? Behold, the painted enemy is coming and tak ing all your part and then he is making you like him, and then he is throwing you down so that you may no longer be, and so that he may be alone. However, I have worked once with the destruction that the antichrist man has done to you and I have taken sons out of you and put a good order over them as at the beginning of My church, and satan will be afraid of everything, for My light will melt him away and there will be fire over him, because I am the light, and it will overcome the darkness as it is written, and the work of sin will be sunken into the deep like Sodom and Gomorrah, and al l those who have chosen sin as their lives will receive their wages, for behold, those who violate the holy laws have gone out in the street. (The March of the LGBTOIA+ community, Bucharest Pride, 2023, where they asked for equal rights for all the citizen s, regardless of the sexual orientation, r.n.) and who forget that it is written in the Scriptures that a child is not supposed to see the naked body of his parents, and that the parents should do the same to their grown up children, lest Sodom and Gomorrah may enter with their curse in every house, but behold, the hell has come out, and all the sin loving people hide their sins to keep on doing them. However, I am coming with the saints and I am striving together with them to raise up by the fulfilled word a handful of people who will listen to Me and take of My nature and work with them so that the one who fulfills My life in him may be able to be Mine, because Father told those who wanted to be Mine: «He is My Son. Listen to Him!» Matt 17/5). I have near Me the two with whom I go between heaven and earth, Moses and Elijah, those so meek and humble in their heart and work for God, because God has a different way of measuring, compared to that a man may want to measure according to his own mind. And behold, you speak now, the one celebrated today on this day, and who had and have of My nature for your work, and may it be blessed your speech to the people of My word and then through it to all those on the earth, for you have received from the Father the work of the turning of the man to his father, to God, and the work of God’s turning back to the people, and behold, I, the Lord, have set you as a teacher during this day by the book of My word, in which I have been writing Myself for more than sixty years and with which I go over the earth, for the renewal is coming and I am hasten ing it to come, and it is coming. — Oh, Lord, I longed for You, I longed only for You and all people that I brought to You to be able to long for You too as I did and to stay with Y ou with their lives even from the earth, and then with You in eternity as well! Humility and meekness are needed, oh, sons of Christ, the Word. Search yourselves and let yourselves be visited for these holy features of God’s sons. Those who have humility are those who f eel themselves as the most sinful ones, the most unworthy of God and of people, and that is why they have been humbled before all people all the time and in all circumstances, and whom they have had in their hearts as saints, and one like that feels himself a sinner, oh, and the would not dare think that there are more ot her sinners, for behold, the tax collector lamented for his own sins because he was a tax collector, and the Pharisee saw the tax collector as a sinner, because a lover of sin sees all other as sin ful as himself, and is quiet as far as his sins concerns, and behold, one more revelation of the nature and of the men’s work and of their mind, in which they keep many as sinners, and this because man due to the sin of his body sees all people as he is, and he stays quietly as if he is not the only alone a sinner. Behold, the Lord cannot judge all alike as the lovers of sin would like Him to do. The Lord judges according to the man’s heart, not according to his weaknesses, not as a man may think of another man. Therefore, when you see that someone throws bad words against the one, he sees as a sinner, then that one does this with the things lived with in himself and in the work of his mind and sees the sinners as he sees himself. Therefore, man, whether you are clean from the work of sin, whether you are weak or a lover of sin, oh, do not let it come up to your mind and then to your speech, because you, behold, you do not want to see even yourself, let alone another man on whom you cast reproach in order to slander him and that he may be slandered by those who are judgers like you, f or, be careful to what I am telling you, you draw upon yourself a very shameful reward, because this is what you are after when you mock. However, I urge you from near m y Lord Christ, humble yourself all the time, humble yourself a lot, a lot, because behold, you are not humble, you do not have any humility . The Lord is gentle and humble in His heart, and His saints are likewise , and that is why we do not want to judge the man, and you are not like that, and that is why you judge your neighbor. Oh, what are you doing without humbleness, without gentleness? What are you doing man devoid of Christ’s nature, through your nature? Many have the Spirit of the Lord, the gentle and humble spirit, and these sees their fellows as saints, and themselves as mere sinners. Why do you not learn from God and from those who have from God? You are a sinful man and need forgiveness, and you do not work the things for your forgiveness from God. When you are not well and at peace with those on earth all the time, oh, you cannot be at peace with God too, you cannot be by all means, the Lord does not know you as of one being on His side , and neither does the work of your soul reach before God, for the Lord is love and peace, He is and works gentleness and humbleness and He is also faithfulness and wisdom of the holy works, oh, and the Lord is the truth, too. However, man is not true. Man is a liar and hides himself from the truth about himself, but by the Lord he is known with all that he means, the man and his deeds Oh, you cannot say, man, that you stumble because the other one is not right, and then to blame another on your behalf, after you have wanted to get weak as though you have stumbled. Humility is not humility anyhow when you try to work on your humility. I was lifted up into heaven in a chariot of fire because of my humility, because of my life lived in humility. You need to become easy to bear in the heart of the people next to you, and by no means heavy and to come to love the darkness between you and them, because the lie for hiding is darkness. Oh, no, not by justifying yourself, not by being discontent, not by wanting things for you, not by blaming others for you, not by posing as worthy so that you may receive righteousness, credit and preeminence, which the one you keep in a lower position may be worthy of, if that one has a giving conduct, grand, submissive and a humble attitude among and to his fellows. I want to turn you with your nature to Christ’s nature, son not steadfast on the way. Christ shepherds you and keeps your path to get you used to receiv ing and follow ing Him. Oh, have mercy on the sinners and on yourself for the ir return to God, Who calls all people to the Father and to the eternity with Him. This, Lord, I had put in their being, of those who follow You to give over the earth Your work with the saints and the people to believe that You have turned back to them and that You want them all to be Yours. And now, I am giving all my joy to You, all to You, and I am remain ing humble near You and I am now bowing to thank You because You love all people. Amen. — And, I, the Lord, humbly thank you for your humility, which has given you to Me even from your childhood, and you were and are Mine, and I yours. Oh, be meek and humble in your heart, and examine yourselves all the time whether you are in the faith by these two great divine attributes: meek and humble in your heart like Me, oh, sons. I have always look ed at you, at your work over the people of My word in the feasts and in the citadel , giving you as an example of holy growth to those who want to be with God too. And now, peace to you, because if you have a gentle and humble heart while working, then you are the fruit of peace, which I have always placed by the word upon you, because I have always, always spoken and declared over you this holy word: Peace to you, p eace to you, peace to you, oh, sons! Amen, amen, amen. 02-08-2023